What an irony it is that there are just two posts for 2011 - The year which started with downs and lows, and ended with no less than ups and highs, at-least in some facets of life.Runaway Bride has lost the count of losers she met during this year.
January 2011 began with a big bang of realizations and resolutions.Realizations, for Runaway Bride and resolutions for her parents, relatives, friends, neighbors, acquaintances and the kaam-vali-bai at her parent's house. Runaway Bride now knew, and tried to accept the fact that life was going to change forever.And the change was because all her best buddies will not be available all the time. And people around her had a new year resolution to find a suitable guy for her. Now, this time, it was more than a resolution, because people were actually serious about it.
What followed was a wild ride for Runaway Bride, which left her, shaken. She met some losers and some more losers. Reality continued to spoil her life.
Let me start from the beginning. The year began with shopping for weddings.And, it left Runaway Bride too tired, both physically and mentally.After one of the shopping escapades, she got a call from Mr N. And surprisingly, the conversation turned out to be nice and left her craving for more. After a few phone conversations, N was planning to come to meet Runaway Bride, all the way from Pune.
But little did Runaway Bride know, that there was more to it, than what she was actually able to see.N was becoming more and more demanding, with each conversation. And, though Runaway Bride sensed it, but she could not really believe that N was getting possessive as well. And they hadn't event met yet.
Just, Two conversations later, N had already assumed it was customary to talk to Runaway Bride, everyday. He freaked out, when Runaway Bride was busy with a wedding in her family. He even told Runaway Bride, he missed her and he was actually not expecting to be left out, only coz there was a stupid family engagement. A few conversations, over the phone, and this guy was involving Runaway Bride in decisions about his career and life. And, he was demanding and equal stage in her life as well.
Two days later, N was coming to meet Runaway Bride, with "almost" and engagement ring, tons of possessive attitude and loads of advice about how Runaway Bride should remain away from guys.
A day before the scheduled meeting, Runaway Bride was trying hard, not to freak out, but could not hold it any longer when N assumed it was okay to call Runaway Bride at 1:30 a.m. on a weekday, just because he wanted to talk to her.End of Story.
It might have been an impulsive decision, but thank God for it.And Thank Lord, for sparing Runaway Bride the trouble to meet this desperate soul in person.
It is time to pen down, all the adventures Runaway Bride had in 2011.
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